Thursday, September 27, 2012

Children Store Who Sells 4-Year-Old Children's Torso Form (Fleshtone) The Cheapest

children store See 4-Year-Old Children's Torso Form (Fleshtone) Details

List Price : Price : $88.38
as of 2012-09-27 11:03 AM
4-Year-Old Children's Torso Form (Fleshtone)

Product Description

EC-70-F - 4-Year-Old Children's Torso Form - Fleshtone (white is shown)Has a concealed 5/8" flange for use with stand. Snap-on painted wooden base included.

    Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Dismissal of "Keyes v. Obama"

    Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Dismissal of "Keyes v. Obama"

    A dark ominous cloud of judicial impropriety looms over the U.S.Federal court system.The darkest of this precipitous cloud formation is that which hangs over the Central District of California, in the wake of U.S.District Judge David O.Carter's provocative decision to dismiss the case of "Keyes v.Obama," which a firm majority of the informed and concerned American electorate considered vital to a determination of whether Barack H.Obama, alias Barry Soetoro, is constitutionally eligible to continue as President of the United States.I wonder what actually went on in the mind of the 64 year old federal judge, appointed by Bill Clinton in 1998, after he had firmly stated, in early November of this year, that pursuing the case was vitally important to a constitutional determination of Obama's basic eligibility as a natural born citizen of the United States, that is, whether he was actually born in the State of Hawaii or in Mombasa, Kenya, Africa.As a former U.S.Marine Corps combat officer in Vietnam, Carter has a history of being a stand-up jurist, and his statement, that "soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors sent into harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan need to be assured that the President ordering them into combat is eligible to hold that office and issue those orders," conveyed a poignant need to adjudicate the issues of "Keyes v.Obama" in a speedy and judicially responsible manner.Then came the U.S.Department of Justice intervening improperly, in a totally non-governmental capacity, for Obama, using U.S.Tax dollars to petition Judge Carter to dismiss the lawsuit, in the same fashion that eight of Carter's judicial colleagues had done since shortly after Obama's nomination in 2008, just after the first federal lawsuit was filed against the man.I wonder what Judge Carter was thinking as he was being intimidated by USDOJ attorneys, who challenged the judge's authority and jurisdiction to decide whether Obama was culpable of duplicity and fraud, and whether the dubious President should step down as the U.S.Chief executive if found culpable.This was, of course, only after Carter had ruled that a trial on the merits of the case would commence in January 2010; but even then, Carter had refused to dismiss the lawsuit, and many Americans believed that he would proceed with the trial.Yet, Carter declared a dismissal, and after extensive research into the subsequent course of events, I have found it reasonable to suspect that Judge Carter was very probably the unfortunate recipient of some threatening, well-worded telephone calls, and e-mails from deceitful politicians who desperately wanted to see the case dismissed.What is that you say, that this is pure speculation?Well, let's get down to basic reality, sad history repeats itself frequently; for such politically contrived corruption has been quite common in the course of 20th Century American government; and bad things have frequently happened to good people, by artifice, who have attempted at their own risk to ensure that justice prevailed.Just within the past five years, Stanley R.Hilton, a preeminent scholar and noted attorney in San Francisco, represented over a hundred 9/11 victims' families in a lawsuit he filed against George W.Bush, Dick Cheney, and others of the Bush administration, for complicity and direct involvement in the 9/11 bombings of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, U.S.District Judge Susan Illston, of San Francisco, ordered Hilton to drop the lawsuit, which he refused to do.Subsequently, thereafter, began a number of stealthy burglaries into Hilton's San Francisco law offices resulting in the theft and destruction of vital material evidence linking Bush, Cheney, and others to the 9/11 attacks.Finally, when Illston couldn't get Hilton to drop the lawsuit, she curtly dismissed the case on grounds of "sovereign immunity," essentially declaring that a President can do anything during his time in office, even commit mass murder, and do it will civil and criminal impunity.More distantly, the lengths that corrupt politicians will go to ensure that their wily stratagems are implemented have been well documented.When a U.S.Navy commander with a heavy conscience came forward, in February 1968, to testify before a Senate Foreign Relations Committe hearing that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was not what it was originally reported by the Pentagon, in order to warrant the massive escallation of ground troops in Vietnam in 1965, Senator J.William Fulbright discovered that the honest naval officer was "picked up by heavy-handed CIA intelligence operatives under White House order and committed involuntarily to a psychiatric ward for several weeks.".Perhaps Judge David O.Carter, with his brilliant Rhodes Scholar-level mind, seriously considered Susan Illston's horrendous precedental ruling, and, perhaps, the perceived intimidations from the DOJ and regarded them as potentially ominous.As a matter of historical record, there were, also, quite a few German judges, mentioned in my earlier Ezine essay, who, during the years leading up to the disastrous dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, either stepped down from their judicial positions or abandoned their judicial ethics and joined the Nazi Party, when they were told by the SS and the Gestapo that the formerly adored Weimar Constitution was no longer law, and that Nazi law reigned supreme.Actually, there were more than a few of the German judges who chose to side with the Nazis, at the threat of death.Yet, there is another salient matter to consider in this quasi-legal fray.All American trial judges, federal and state, worry about their rulings being eventually overturned, on a basis of law, by appellate courts.When mistakes based entirely upon law are, supposedly, made by trial judges, the appellate courts are there to rightfully remand the cases back to the trial court for a correction of the errors.Nonetheless, Judge Carter probably realized the contrived political machinations surrounding "Keyes v.Obama," and that a ruling by him ordering Barack Obama to produce his original Hawaiian birth certificate, and the other undisclosed records sought by the plaintiff's attorney, even if correct, would be automatically reversed on a totally political basis by a federal appeals court.Though the facts and merits of the plaintiff's case might have clearly shown that Barack H.Obama fraudulently acted in a deliberate fashion to conceal the truth about his birth, by spending approximately 1.5 million dollars in legal expenses to keep from producing a 12 dollar certified copy of his original long-form birth certificate, the case would never have been allowed to proceed to trial.Whatever the actual cause for the unfortunate dismissal, whether Judge David O.Carter was concerned about the perceived threats, or merely realized the absolute futility of proceeding to trial on the merits of the case, another example of a President (this time dubiously elected) being above the law has emerged.When I think of the great John Adams, lawyer, patriot, and the second American President, saying before the Massachusetts Assembly that the United States is a nation of laws, and not of men, I am utterly indignant at the appalling Machiavellian politicization of basic justice now prevalent in the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the federal government.It would seem that the American republic is no longer, in form and substance, what it was a decade-or-more before the turn of the 20th Century; and that this nation, which was once a great constitutional republic, might sadly be at a point of no return from a mutated form of government destructive to the ends espoused in the Constitution of the United States.

    Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Dismissal of "Keyes v. Obama"

    4 Car Safety Tips for Children

    4 Car Safety Tips for Children

    When you have kids, there are no easy trips to the store or quick errands to run.Children need to be buckled into the car and unbuckled out of the car and that is before you even get into the store! If you child is like most, they are tempted by candy and toys, and the risk of a fit being thrown is real every time you leave the house.Alternatively, your child tends to fall asleep in the car, and you do not want to wake them.It is no wonder that some parents think, "I'll just run in really fast, and leave the kids in the car.It will only take a minute".But unfortunately, that is where the real problem lies.Every year kids die from being left unattended inside cars.The reality is that is only takes a couple of minutes for something to go terribly wrong.Whether your child is a baby, or old enough to buckle and unbuckle themselves, the danger of leaving a child in a car is real.The risk of leaving a child in the car range from overheating, to the child figuring out a way to escape the car, to kidnapping.Some parents think their child will be fine if they leave the car running, and that is simply not true.Children find a way to escape car seats everyday, and with the car running, there are too many ways for the child to get hurt or cause the car to start moving.It is never OK to knowingly leave a child unattended in the car.There are times when a parent can simply forget the child is with them, especially if the child is sleeping.There are steps that parents can take to remind themselves to check the backseat.One way is to train yourself to put your purse in the back seat.This simple step will get you into the habit of checking the back seat.In addition, there are products available to serve a reminder to check for baby, such as decals, clings and key chains.If you are a parent of a child and dreading the next trip to the store, just remember this.Kids have been throwing fits in the store for as long as anyone can remember.When your child is throwing a fit, or screaming and crying in the store, there is not a person in that store that would rather you endanger your child by leaving them in the car.If you spot an unattended child left in a car, contact the store manager or security so the parent can be located immediately.

    4 Car Safety Tips for Children

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Carters Baby Clothes Low Cost Grey And White 3 Pc Boys Cardigan Set By Carter's - 3 Months

    carters baby clothes See Grey and White 3 Pc Boys Cardigan Set by Carter's - 3 months Details

    List Price : Price :
    as of 2012-09-26 11:01 PM
    Grey and White 3 Pc Boys Cardigan Set by Carter's - 3 months

    Product Description

    Mix and match made easy. Now you can build baby's wardrobe with our Grey and White 3 Piece Boys Cardigan Set by Carter's - 3 months. The set includes a short sleeve bodysuit, matching pants and long sleeve, hooded cardigan. With its expandable shoulders, reinforced bottom snaps for easy changes and silky soft 100% cotton throughout, its no wonder CarterÕs is AmericaÕs first choice in baby layette. Care instructions: machine wash, tumble dry. Will not shrink or fade.

    • Build baby's wardrobe
    • Carters - can't miss value
    • Machine wash/tumble dry
    • Will not shrink or fade.

    For Her - Finding Affordable Ladies Clothing

    For Her - Finding Affordable Ladies Clothing

    There is a great need for value-price apparel.Although some of us would love to be able to spend oodles of money on clothing, it's not very practical for most.Some people live paycheck to paycheck and need to be able to buy reasonably-priced clothes to wear.Not only should there be value-priced clothing for women, there should also be some for teen girls as well.We need inexpensive clothes to be available for both genders, as people need to get good clothes at good prices.The clothing that is less expensive than other clothing shouldn't be tacky looking just because it's cheaper.The clothing needs to look nice for those people who need to work in a general office, real estate office, or other such field.No one should have to dress tacky just because they can't afford to buy more expensive clothing.Yes, it's true that some shops already offer value-priced apparel.Unfortunately, their idea of value is to reduce an outfit from $300 down to $200, a price still beyond most of us for everyday wear.Inexpensive clothing needs to become more of a widespread thing.In the future, more and more people are going to want to purchase their clothing at a more reasonable rate.There's absolutely no reason that some clothing has to be so pathetically expensive.No company should be able to overcharge by a ridiculous sum of money for everyday clothing.The price of clothing should decrease, not increase.The world needs more clothing designers that have the willingness to offer their beautiful clothing at beautiful prices.Not every clothing designer needs to be as greedy with money as some tend to be.Many of them on purposely overcharge people for the clothing just to make a lot more money for themselves.In reality, they might sell more clothing if they made it fall under the category of value-priced apparel.People do like designer looks when it comes to apparel, but they don't want to spend a whole paycheck on one shirt or dress.Most people need options when it comes to clothing - they need to buy clothing that fits within their budget.Some people have budgets that are much lower than others.Do these people not deserve to wear very nice looking clothes? Everyone deserves to wear clothing that looks tremendously beautiful on them, and they deserve to get it at a price that fits within their spending budget.That was really a simple and reasonable statement to make, and it's absolutely the truth.Discount retailers seem to have figured out this market, and have managed to place a good deal of clothing online.Particularly considering that you save gas shopping online, this adds to the cost savings of buying value-priced clothing on the internet.

    For Her - Finding Affordable Ladies Clothing

    How to Start a Children's Clothing Online Business

    How to Start a Children

    Work from home and business from home are two of the most famous money generating sources that make use of the computer and internet connection.These are now earning the interests of many people since it offers convenience while earning money at home.One of the more popular businesses done at home is sales.Different people sell different kinds of stuff which they think people might get interested in.Auction sites have now become a craze and this is evident in eBay.People sell just about anything coming from different sources.There are stuffs that they sell which are just things they find in their homes that are not being used anymore.Others do buy and sell business while others rely on dropshipping companies to provide their products.If you want to sell clothing in your online store, baby clothes are real best sellers.It is pretty obvious that parents would prioritize their children more than them selves.This is why the children's section of malls is always packed with buyers.This will also be the same even with online stores.You can get children's clothes to sell from online dropshipping companies like SaleHoo.SaleHoo carries thousands of suppliers and distributors of children's clothing in different styles, sizes, brands and types.Therefore, you can fill up your online store with tons of products for children which will be attractive for buyers.Aside from this, you can get the products at a cheaper price making your profits increase.As you fill your online store with children's products, make sure that it is also attractive to visit.Put in some cute designs for children and that parents would appreciate.

    How to Start a Children

    Sell Baby Clothes Who Sells The Cheapest Melissa & Doug Abby & Emma Deluxe Magnetic Dress-Up Set On Line

    sell baby clothes See Melissa & Doug Abby & Emma Deluxe Magnetic Dress-Up Set Details

    List Price : $19.99 Price : $11.62
    as of 2012-09-26 11:01 AM
    Melissa & Doug Abby & Emma Deluxe Magnetic Dress-Up Set

    Product Description

    Abby and Emma love to play dress-up and exchange mix and match outfits.

    • These adorable play sets feature magnetic dolls with doll stands
    • Hundreds of dress-up options
    • Enrich a child's imagination
    • Plenty of clothing and accessory pieces for hours of dress-up fun
    • Exceptional Quality and Value

    The Baby Clothing Store Has Met High Fashion - Have You Seen the Latest Baby Pants?

    The Baby Clothing Store Has Met High Fashion - Have You Seen the Latest Baby Pants?

    When dressing your little pipsqueak, do you have a particular baby clothing store that carries designer baby clothes? Many will see celebrities' babies in magazines or on television someplace, and wonder where they shop.Shopping online, you can now have baby girl clothes from the latest in baby jeans and dresses to the cutest baby pants that any mother in the spotlight would be proud to put on her daughter.As to who designs the latest in children's fashion, the numbers are few but growing.A few names that ought to be little bees in your bonnet are. Estella of New York, Mormor Nu of Denmark, Bon Bon (offspring company of France's Bonpoint and known as Bon Ton in France), or Italian designer Album di Famiglia to name a few.This is by no means an exhaustive list, but solid brands nonetheless.If you have older kids, or simply a pair of legs.Then you knows what an amazing material denim can be if crafted by the right hands.Have you had the experience yet of stuffing your diaper-wearing son or daughter into a pair of jeans that look like some emo skater kid had shrunk? (No offense to the emo skater kids reading this, btw!) Properly fitted jeans look great on everyone, but when you finally have a pair that will actually fit your baby, it's all over.You'll never be the same again, and your baby will appreciate not being stuffed into a poorly crafted pair designed for someone else entirely.Whether you're shopping around for a particular pair of baby pants or simply want to try out a designer-inspired baby clothing store, let your fingers do your walking and clicking to broaden your options.Once you've seen and felt the difference, you'll know what words can hardly convey.Fashion designers actually do know what they're doing when it comes to designer baby clothes!

    The Baby Clothing Store Has Met High Fashion - Have You Seen the Latest Baby Pants?

    Your One Stop Baby Shop

    Your One Stop Baby Shop

    If Toys 'R Us is a company that offers various toys for kids, what does Baby R Us offer? No way! It's not babies! Baby R Us offers baby products.In 1996, Westbury, New York, Baby R Us opened its first store.It has been immediately followed with opening six more branches on different locations at the end of the year.After tremendous expansion and joining the Baby Superstore chain, Baby R Us store count has reach 218 at the beginning of 2005.What a mammoth feat for a baby store, right?Babies R Us is considered a pioneer in retailing premier baby products.It is said to be the biggest store chain in the world that provides baby products.They have stores and online stores that assist in giving a unique and fun shopping experience for their consumers.It has a state-of-the-art baby registry service that provides more convenience when shopping for your baby's needs.Baby R Us also has a Mother's room that attends to babies' necessities.It has an online store that contains various helpful features that include the following..The Baby Registry service is a product of Babies R Us teaming up with Amazon.Com.Parents that are expecting their baby are permitted to create an online baby registry or update a registry that was set up on one of the Babies R Us stores nationwide.What this registry rids the parents is the inconvenience of surmounting geographic barriers and presumption of which products suit your baby.This way, when your friends and relatives plan to buy your baby a gift, it won't be that much of a hassle anymore.All that they have to do is go online, select, buy and get the gift delivered to you on time.All the land-based Baby R Us stores allow all purchase returns as an added feature.Baby R Us also constantly maintains a "Top Seller List" that usually include educational baby equipment, baby books, a pregnant mom's book, diaper accessories, comfy baby bouncer, play gyms, baby call nursery monitors, a changing pad, monitors with dual receivers, an infant car seat base, baby wraps, toddler rockers, baby swings, nursery care kits, feeding bottle set, etc.Baby R Us online store also allows browsers to check on different brands of baby products that suit their preferences.The following are the categories that Baby R Us provides various brands of products on. gear, activity, toys, nursery, health and safety, specialty stores, feeding, bath and potty, and clothing and layette.Baby R Us also presents gift ideas to those who want to share some goodies to their little kids, nephews, nieces, granddaughter or grandsons.A gift set is always considered a hit in making parents with their babies smile with appreciation.These are often in baby gift basket forms that contain various items that deal with the parents and baby's needs.There are also these "Parents Favorite" items and Babies R Us' basic gift ideas that are never surmounted by novel items.Gift certificates are also available as treats to the parents-to-be.Baby R Us even added "new baby" or "pregnancy" e-card.Along with this e-card, the option of an e-mail or a paper gift certificate is still offered.Babies R Us online even has this resource center page that includes various buying guides, checklists, articles, advices and other information that will both benefit the parents and the baby.

    Your One Stop Baby Shop

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Baby Fashion Price Comparisons Burda Style

    baby fashion See Burda Style Details

    List Price : Price : $90.00
    as of 2012-09-25 11:00 PM
    Burda Style

      Baby Boy Clothes Are Adorable

      Baby Boy Clothes Are Adorable

      Buying baby boy clothes is a process that is one of the most fun parts of being a parent or even just the anticipation of becoming a parent for most people.Baby clothes are very cute and no one can resist the appeal of the unbelievably tiny, little clothes and accessories like bibs and booties and shoes.The great part of buying clothing for babies is that you do not necessarily have to be a parent or even an expectant parent yourself to enjoy the thrills of browsing through the endless racks of baby clothes and cooing at how cute the tiny clothes are and how you cannot imagine anything that small.Baby boy clothes make a great gift for a number of reasons.The first is that they are immense fun to buy and are almost as much of a joy to gift someone as they are to receive.Nothing is as enjoyable as going shopping for baby clothes and it is a great idea for a girls day out together.The second is that baby clothes are the one gift that is always welcomed by any parents.Parents expecting their first child may not realise this but parents who have had babies before are aware of the fact that babies go through clothes like nobody's business.Whether they are ruining them by puking and having toilet accidents in them or simply by drooling on them all day, babies can make any outfit including the most expensive designer ones look like they have survived a life time of abuse in just a few weeks or months.Older babies who have started to crawl around on their hands and knees will wear through the elbows and knees of the most durable clothing in a matter of days with no effort at all.Even if babies do not perfectly ruin any clothing that they wear in a very short time, they simply out grow clothes as they shoot up in size so fast.Clothes that seem brand new and perfectly sized when you bought them can seem a couple of sizes too small for your infant within a month.For this reason parents need to buy an endless stream of new baby clothes and this takes a lot of effort, time and not to mention adds a considerable bit to the already formidable costs of having a baby.Any help that they can get in the form of friends and relatives choosing great clothes and gifting them these outfits is always welcome.

      Baby Boy Clothes Are Adorable

      Buying Clothes For Babies? Now's the Time to Get Your Baby Skirts

      Buying Clothes For Babies? Now

      One of the wonders of the world has to be shopping for clothes for babies, especially when it's time to buy baby girl clothes.But when you do set out to buy baby clothes, do you go traditional one-piece, or dare you dress her in those baby skirts that you've always dreamed of putting your daughter in? Whether its baby shirts, leggings or a simple pair of jeans, one of the finest pleasures in life is dressing your kids up in the clothes you always wanted to wear as a child.Now it's your turn - go ahead, live a little.With the warmer seasons upon us, it's time to start thinking about a cute skirt and blouse combination.Can you imagine her in a sweet, silk blouse from Victoria Christmas, or a top made from the finest in organic cotton from Album di Famiglia? Another designer that comes to mind is Shirin, artisan of fine printed tees.When you do consider baby girl clothes for your little one, also take a moment off to think of sundresses.Just take a look at Bon Bon's collection for spring, and if you can count on the French for anything, you can count on them for fine sundresses.Like their expertise with wine, the French have perfected the sundress, as Bon Bon clearly illustrates in their latest spring collection.With fully adjustable ties, they have made sundresses for baby girls as elegant and fresh as a dress made for mom would be.This spring and summer, don't hold back - dress your daughter in the most luxurious styles available.With a few well-placed web searches, you can have some of the most well-designed pieces of fashion arrive at your threshold within days.Shopping for clothes for babies has never been quite this efficient or fun.

      Buying Clothes For Babies? Now

      The Disposable Diaper Versus Cloth Baby Diapers

      The Disposable Diaper Versus Cloth Baby Diapers

      Arguments have been made about the advantages of both the disposable diaper and cloth baby diapers for many years, and will probably continue for some time to come.Both diaper types have their good and bad points.Your first decision is to choose between cloth baby diapers and the disposable diaper.The bottom line, excuse the pun, is a matter of personal preference.Some factors to consider when deciding what type diaper to use are comfort, fit, absorbency, ease of use and expense.The typical disposable diaper is made up of two fabric sheets with an absorbent material pad in between.This material contains chemically treated crystals that allow it to literally absorb hundreds of times its weight in liquid.The liquid is transformed into a gel, which helps keeps your baby dry.This is one advantage that a disposable diaper has over cloth baby diapers.All disposable diapers on the market today have good absorbency qualities, and all will hold more liquid than needed during the time period that your baby will wear one diaper.Compared to cloth baby diapers, disposables feel drier when wet, leak less and fit better.There are basic similarities among disposables, but there are differences in shape, fit and absorbency from one brand to another.Although convenient, the disposable diapers can also be expensive.If you opt for the environmentally-safe and biodegradable disposables, you will pay even more.You can also save money by shopping online or you can buy in bulk.When buying in bulk, be careful not to buy too much.You can get a good deal when purchasing a jumbo economy pack of 160 newborn disposable diapers, but your infant will probably grow into the next size before you can use them all.Another money saving tip is to keep your baby in the smallest size diaper possible that is also comfortable.As the size of the disposable diaper gets bigger, so does the price.Unless you are using a paid diaper service, cloth baby diapers are the way to go if you want to save money.You will spend so much less than if you had chosen the disposable diaper route.After you have acquired all the supplies that you need, your expenses are cut to almost zero.Things you will need..Cloth Baby Diapers.It is best to use fabrics made from cotton, like flannel, fleece, or terry cloth.Flannel is preferred because it has the most absorbency and is the most comfortable against your baby's skin.Diaper Inserts.These are made of cotton and are used for added absorbency.Flushable Liners.Helps control messiness, so there is no need to rinse diapers prior to putting them in the diaper pail.Waterproof Covers (aka rubber pants).No explanation needed.Gone are the days of square cloth diapers and safety pins.The cloth baby diapers of today come in a variety of shapes and sizes.You can get unfolded, pre-folded, contoured fit, pocket diapers and all-in-one kits.The all-in-one kits come with the waterproof cover attached.Cloth diapers also come with Velcro or snap closures that make using them as easy as their disposable counterparts.Proper planning is also necessary when using cloth baby diapers.You should have enough diapers on hand to last a few days.You don't want to spend all your time in the laundry room.Basically, the more convenience that you incorporate into your diapering tasks, the less diapers you have to have on hand.If you are going to use the all-in-one or pocket diapers, you should probably only need about fifteen to start with.However, if you choose to use pre-folded, unfolded or fitted diapers, you should have about three dozen on hand and about a dozen waterproof covers.Getting started with cloth baby diapers is a little more complicated than using disposable diapers, but at the same time feels a bit more rewarding.Read the washing instructions and any other recommendations from the manufacturer and follow them.It won't be long before you develop your own system.Look at it from this perspective; you can always keep a package of disposables around for when you need a break.

      The Disposable Diaper Versus Cloth Baby Diapers

      A Deeper Look at "The Bucket List"

      A Deeper Look at "The Bucket List"

      Who Are These Guys?Okay, let's talk about the movie first and then let's talk about our own personal Bucket Lists.For sure, no matter what our ages are; we all should have dreams.The Story Line.The movie opens when Carter (Morgan Freeman), a Master mechanic, receives a phone call from his doctor while he's at work, informing him that he has cancer.Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) gets his cancer warning unexpectedly when he coughs up blood in a business meeting.He's rushed to the hospital he just bought (no kidding).When he demands a private room, his assistant reminds him that he's said very publicly many times before. "I run hospitals, not health spas.Two beds to a room; no exceptions." So, Edward has a roommate. Carter.We learn that Cole is a brilliant, billionaire businessman.But, he doesn't intimidate his roommate.Carter has a mind like a steel trap.He's a PhD.In disguise.(You'll see what I mean if you watch the movie.) The two men start a conversation.Through their talk Edward learns that Carter has raised three children. a tax attorney, an engineer and a symphony violinist.Think of it. all that education on a car mechanic's salary; talk about a high value.Carter asks, "Do you have children?" Edward says, "I never stayed married long enough." Carter replies, "Don't worry, I've been married long enough for the both of us." Edward. "How's that goin'?" Carter, straight-faced, "It's goin." Cole says, "I've been married four times 'cause I love being married; only problem is, I love being single, too.Hard to do both at the same time.Only successful marriage I've had is with my work; started making money when I was sixteen.".Carter says, "I always wanted to be a history professor and I made it through two semesters of City College before Virginia, my wife, gave me the news; I was young, black, broke, baby on the way; I took the first decent job that came along.I always meant to go back but 45 years goes by pretty fast." (Yes, it does.).This conversation is the start of their friendship together.They play cards, they talk; they get to know each other.And, a defining moment. Edward happens upon a list that Carter made originally in his freshman college class 45 years earlier. a Bucket List.Edward, of course, thinks Carter's list is too tame; Edward is a world-traveled risk-taker.He thinks the list needs more excitement.And, definitely, Edward thinks they should "do" the list NOW; "It beats sitting around waiting to die," says Edward.So, Edward convinces Carter to go on the trip with him.Carter's wife protests vigorously.But, Carter says he thinks he's earned some time for himself and so off he and Edward go.Carter, who tells this story, says, "And so it began.".They skydive, drive racing cars, and travel in Edward's private aircraft to eat caviar in France.They visit Cairo, drive through packs of wild animals in Africa, see the pyramids, motorcycle on the Great Wall of China, travel part way to the top of "Carter's mountain" (can't reach the top; there's a storm) and finally end up in Hong Kong where they expect to buy silk suits and eat Black Walnut ice cream.But unexpectedly, Carter asks to go home.And, so they do.Once there, Carter has a short time with his family.But, too soon he collapses and goes to the hospital where he waits to be operated on. without much hope.Carter dies on an operating table.He's dead at 66 but thankfully, not before he had a last joke on Edward.(It's about the coffee that Edward loves, but you really have to see the movie and share the laughs).By the time Carter died, they'd almost completed their shared Bucket List but not quite.A Deeper Look.This is a love affair between the two men.But, maybe I see it that way because my feelings were so caught up with the deep friendship.No, not a sexual love affair.But, the kind where two complete strangers bond quickly and become deeply attached to each other.These two became brothers in a very short time.Some article I read called the movie a "buddy flick." But, I think that diminishes not only the movie's messages but the performances as well.I think she didn't "get it.".So, what were the messages? Actually, quite a few.First, these two men are both the Superiority personality.Why do I say that?(1) They're both experts in their work areas.(2) They both have heavy goals.(3)They are both intense and thorough thinkers.But, at the same time, they are very different because they have different values .Carter is deeper.He's spiritual; he questions the purpose of life.He's a man who values relationships, who values commitments and has principles by which he lives.While he's clearly impressed by Edward's wealth and the mind that makes it possible, he remains steadfast in his own beliefs and values.For sure, so steadfast that he challenges Carter quite a few times on their journey together.Two of the questions Carter asks Edward along the way are..(1) Have you found joy in your life? And, (2) Have you given joy to others?Edward, on the other hand, is harder, lives "on the surface," doesn't trust.He's impatient with feelings, stinging with words and definitely not spiritual.He loves money, status, comfortable living BUT by the end of the movie, he also loves Carter.Edward speaks at Carter's funeral saying, "The last three months of Carter's life were the best three months of mine." During those last few months Edwards opens up; he trusts Carter.Why not? The man is genuine to his core.If you're a person who looks for a deeper meaning in movies or books or life, I think you'll really enjoy The Bucket List.Warmest regards until next time,.Joan.

      A Deeper Look at "The Bucket List"

      Monday, September 24, 2012

      Baby Boy Clothes Buy Charlie Rocket Baby-Boys Infant Transformer Tee And Ribwaist Utility Pant Set, Pear/Cocoa, 3-6 Months Online

      baby boy clothes See Charlie Rocket Baby-Boys Infant Transformer Tee And Ribwaist Utility Pant Set, Pear/Cocoa, 3-6 Months Details

      List Price : $62.00 Price : $62.00
      as of 2012-09-24 09:51 PM
      Charlie Rocket Baby-Boys Infant Transformer Tee And Ribwaist Utility Pant Set, Pear/Cocoa, 3-6 Months

      Product Description

      Long sleeve tee with transformer screen matching with full elastic ribwaist pull on utility pant

      • Pre washed
      • Made in usa

      Shop For Discount Kids Clothes and Save Money

      Shop For Discount Kids Clothes and Save Money

      Preteen kids and want to save money on clothes, you are in luck.The Internet is one of the best ways to purchase discount kids clothes today.You can still go out to discount outlet stores and purchase clothes for your children, but you can also do it a lot easier online.Simply do a Google search for discount children's clothes and you will find many sites that can help you shop.You will obviously need to have pretty accurate sizes available in order to do this effectively.You need to check on return policies also.You want to be able to exchange the clothes for other sizes if you need to.If you live near a warehouse type outlet store, this is another great way to find discount kids clothes.You may go a little crazy in these stores because they usually have a ton of items stacked everywhere sometimes from the floor to the ceiling, but they do have low prices compared to retail stores.A lot of times these stores have irregular items at discounted prices which were rejected by local retail stores.They also will take the over allotment of many of the local retail stores, so they have the same exact item you would find a shopping center, just at a reduced price.This is because of errors in ordering or in errors that the shippers make.You can benefit from those errors.Consider looking for discount kid's clothes at second hand stores.Many times you will find designer labels at these stores for reasonable prices.Depending on how your kids feel about wearing second hand clothes, who may want to leave them a home and just shop for them by yourself.It is surprising what you can find in these stores.If you are willing to spend a little time hunting through the clothes there, you can find some real deals.

      Shop For Discount Kids Clothes and Save Money

      Gear Up For Spring and Summer With Brand Name Children's Clothing

      Gear Up For Spring and Summer With Brand Name Children

      As the warm spring and summer weather approaches, it's probable that you'll soon be seeking bargains on high quality summer clothes for your children.Brand name children's clothing tends to last longer and wash and wear better than others.Unfortunately, brand name children's apparel can also be expensive unless you know how to find deals.Whether you need brand name boys clothing, girls clothing, children's shoes or clothes for newborns, these buying tips can help you find high quality items for less.Get to Know the Top Brand Names.Before shopping anywhere - online or in a local retail store - get to know what brand names are available in children's wear.There are well over a hundred fine brand names for children's clothing, including Baby Azure, Adidas, Arizona, Bijan Kids, Barbie, Carter's, Disney Baby, Faux Fur, Guess, Kids Studio, Kid Connection, Puma, Nike, Static, Strawberry Shortcake, Skechers, Total Girl and Xtreme Limit.Use the Internet to research various brand names and the styles offered by each.This will give you an idea of what to search for if shopping online or which local clothing retail outlets to visit.Children's stores often carry clothing in the smaller sizes, typically for ages 10 and under.For teen clothing, it's a good idea to search online or visit a local mall.Mall clothing shops usually carry many styles of modern-day teen wear.Understanding the brand name styles and price ranges of each will give you a starting point when shopping.You'll be able to narrow your choices as well as recognize great bargains when you come across them.For example if you know a certain brand name of children's shoes usually costs $49.95 per pair and you find them online for only $29.95.Then you'll know this is a bargain for that particular brand name of shoes.For other brands, however, $29.95 may seem like a very high price for children's shoes! So in this case, you'll be buying a high quality shoe for much less than usual.Look for Sales and Bargains.Many brand name children's clothing stores will have huge spring or summer sales to introduce their new lines of clothing or shoes.You might find stores offering anywhere from 20% to 75% off their regular prices.This is a perfect opportunity to find brand name apparel for less.Check your local newspaper for sales and coupons.Visit online stores that specialize in the brand names you're seeking and search online using Google, Yahoo! or Bing for special offers or coupons from those stores.You can also find great bargains on children's brand name clothing and shoes at thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets.Online Retailer Benefits.Some online retailers will offer brand name boys clothing and girls clothing at near-wholesale prices simply because they don't have the overhead that a brick-and-mortar store has.Being online enables the company to sell more for less without paying high rent and utilities on an actual storefront building.The online retailer is able to pass the savings on to you.Styles that Never Grow Old.The good thing about spring and summer clothing is there are brand name styles that are popular year after year.This makes shopping for your children a little easier.Kids always love to wear colorful sandals and denim or khaki shorts.Summer prompts the wearing of bright colored shirts for girls.And most young boys don't seem to care what they wear as long as it's cool and lightweight for playing outdoors! Summer clothes for newborns come in a variety of spring-like colors as well.While you're shopping around for those huge bargains, don't forget to pick up a few gifts along the way.You can buy brand name clothes for newborns if there's a new baby in the family.Many online clothing retailers sell gift certificates if you know of a child whose birthday is near.Buying high quality, brand name children's clothing doesn't have to break the bank.Once you know how and where to shop, then you can find amazing deals on durable, comfortable clothing for your kids.

      Gear Up For Spring and Summer With Brand Name Children

      Baby Girl Clothes Compare Art Of Appreciation Gift Baskets Sweet Baby BOY Special Delivery Gift Basket With Teddy Bear

      baby girl clothes See Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets Sweet Baby BOY Special Delivery Gift Basket with Teddy Bear Details

      List Price : $79.99 Price : $69.99
      as of 2012-09-24 09:51 AM
      Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets Sweet Baby BOY Special Delivery Gift Basket with Teddy Bear

      Product Description

      We deliver your sweet new baby an adorable gift set arranged in a handy cloth lined baby hamper. It’s filled with all kinds of baby necessities for the new little one, from an ultra soft “Happy Baby” teddy bear to new baby clothes, bottle, bib, and more! The cloth lined basket also makes great storage and décor for babies room.Includes:Plush “Happy Baby” Teddy Bear,Baby Blanket,Baby Nail Care Set,Baby Wash Clothes,Baby Bottle,Baby Bib,Baby Cap,Baby Booties,Baby Shirt,Cloth Lined Baby Basket. Each gift basket is hand crafted with attention to detail and tied with a bow for presentation.  To include a personalized gift message or to notify your recipient who purchased this thoughtful gift, you must select GIFT during checkout, allowing you to input your own personalized best wishes. An original gift basket arrangement designed by Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets.

      • Send your congratulations and best wishes in adorable style with this handy cloth lined baby hamper
      • We also offer this great gift in baby girl pink
      • Includes a personalized gift message from you to convey your best wishes on any gift occasion

      If You Purchase Baby Clothes Wholesale, Consider Organic Cotton Items

      If You Purchase Baby Clothes Wholesale, Consider Organic Cotton Items

      Children's clothing is adorable whether they are for boys or girls and shoppers cannot wait to see the little one in the new outfit.If you are the owner of a children's clothing store, you know how much fun it is to order and sell these clothes.The next time you purchase baby clothes wholesale to re-sell in your store, consider buying apparel made from organic cotton.Organic cotton is soft on baby's skin and features chemical-free dyes so it is safe, yet it is durable enough to withstand years of wear by active little ones.Organic baby products include clothing in the style of bodysuits, rompers, gowns, tops, bottoms, and accessories.Store owners can even find gift sets that are pre-packaged, reducing the amount of work that they need to do in order to sell more items.Those who buy baby clothes wholesale know that the prices are reduced from the retail sales price.Some organic clothing is reasonably priced on a retail basis, making the wholesale prices even more affordable.This is good news to anyone just starting a children's clothing store business because budgets are often limited during the start-up phase.Any business owner who is struggling in this economy needs a way to set the business apart from the competition.Organic baby clothing is the perfect way to do this because its benefits are still a well-kept secret.The clothes are soft and made in a way that is friendly to the environment and the farmers that are producing and harvesting the cotton.When it comes time to purchase your next supply of baby clothes wholesale, do some research regarding organic cotton.Apparel made from this material might be just what your store needs to blow away the competition and increase sales.You can promote this clothing from the perspective of being both baby and Earth-friendly.

      If You Purchase Baby Clothes Wholesale, Consider Organic Cotton Items

      Baby Tank Tops, Tights, and Leg Warmers

      Baby Tank Tops, Tights, and Leg Warmers

      While many parents think of One pieces and t-shirts when dressing baby, there are other alternatives out there! Baby tank tops are all the rage with parents trying to keep baby in style and cool for the spring and summer months.However, baby tank tops aren't just for summer! They are great paired with long-sleeved rompers, t-shirts, and One pieces during the cooler seasons as well.Allowing you to create a whole new look with baby tank tops.Much like any other shirt, baby tank tops can be paired with almost any kind of pant.Whether it be jeans, a knit pant, or even a skirt for little girls.These are an adorable addition to any baby's wardrobe.Even like their counterparts the one piece or t-shirt, baby tank tops can be found in different colors, shapes, sizes, patterns, and prints.Allowing us to get creative with our baby's outfit.Tights and leg warmers seem to be an increasingly popular item in winter for babies.This is because as the weather gets colder, parents still want to see their little girls dressed from head-to-toe in adorable dresses for the holidays.However, without leg warmers and tights it would be impossible to do.Fortunately, these baby leg warmers and tights lend themselves well to adding a little extra flair to any of your child's outfits.Allowing you to keep baby's legs toasty warm throughout the cold seasons and fashionable in the hotter months.Think they are just for little girls!? Wrong! Leg warmers and tights can even be found for your little baby boy.While it isn't a typical practice, even this thin layer of extra cloth can keep baby warmer and fashion-forward.

      Baby Tank Tops, Tights, and Leg Warmers

      Sunday, September 23, 2012

      Baby Cloth Diapers Price Comparisons Fuzzi Bunz One Size Cloth Diapers 6 Pack Girl Colors

      baby cloth diapers See Fuzzi Bunz One Size Cloth Diapers 6 Pack Girl Colors Details

      List Price : $116.70 Price : $104.70
      as of 2012-09-23 09:51 PM
      Fuzzi Bunz One Size Cloth Diapers 6 Pack Girl Colors

      Product Description

      The FuzziBunz® One-Size Diapers are the most adjustable and innovative one-size cloth diapers on the market today! Adjust the diapers to fit babies 7-35 pounds and get a snug fit every time with the button-adjusted waist and leg casings. The leg casings adjust to 8+ settings and the waist adjusts to 4+ settings. Never before has a pocket-style cloth diaper been SO adjustable!

      • One Size fits newborn to Potty Trained
      • Includes two inserts-newborn and regular
      • Added hip snap and trimmer fit
      • Images do not reflect exact items that will be shipped. An assortment of diapers will be sent based on availability.

      How to Dress Up a Baby Nursery Within a Budget?

      How to Dress Up a Baby Nursery Within a Budget?

      People often forget about the money factor when it comes to decorating their baby nursery.Breaking the bank just for the deck-up part is not justified if you take into account the fact that the coming of the baby is only a start to a line of fat and heavy expenses that are to be borne for a long time to come.Moreover, when you can do the same thing within a short budget, why not try it that way? You can afford everything from the diaper pail to baby crib, all in an affordable figure, if you unleash the bargain hunter in you.Dedicate a small room for the little member-to-come so that they can have a world of their own within it.As the famous adage says, "old is gold," you can pass on the crib that your parents gifted you when you were born.This will surely save you some cash, while providing the infant with a cozy place to lie down.If, the crib is any older than a generation, then it is recommended to buy a new cot from an online store.There are multiple nursery furniture stores operating within the online sphere.It is money-saving if you get the baby bed from a reputed store, while you save some resource on the bed mattress and sheets by obtaining them at a small price from the thrift market.If you can make your purchase during the year-end, Black Friday or yard sale, then you can expect to get a hefty rebate on the purchase.Sometimes, baby pillows, quilts, towels, lamps and other accessories are offered as samples at the newly opened stores.When you are purchasing furniture pieces for a baby nursery, make sure that you pick up theme-based items that either match with it or complement each other.Winnie-the-Pooh, Tom and Jerry and Pokemon can be a commonly loved theme for both baby boys and girls, while the Disney Princesses can be ideal for your little lady.Eyelet bumper pads, baby baskets, table lamps, chest of drawers, etc.Are some of the things that can be obtained from thrift stores at a fraction of their original price.Try to think out of the box while picking items for nursery furniture.Try to pick up bright sunshine themes that can make the entire appearance of the room vibrant and appealing to your little adorable angel.

      How to Dress Up a Baby Nursery Within a Budget?