Friday, September 7, 2012

Folding a Pre-Fold Cloth Diaper: There's No Wrong Way to Do It

Folding a Pre-Fold Cloth Diaper: There

Despite the modernized styles of cloth diapers with their fancy, colored covers and absorbent inserts, some parents prefer the tried and true pre-fold cloths.One cannot blame them, for this style of cloth diaper has remained consistent for decades.Very likely it is the same type used by your grandmothers, and if it was good enough for them you can imagine why parents today put their trust in these little wonders.If you are new to pre-fold diapers, though, you will want to know the best way to wrap them around your baby.There is actually more than one method, and all work rather well.Talk to any seasoned cloth diapering parent, and you'll hear some jargon tossed around.Each specific folding method is named, not unlike a baseball pitch, and as you get more hands-on experience you'll know exactly what parents are talking about when they mention the following..The Bikini Twist. The cloth diaper might not look like a bikini when you're done, but it will certainly retain more water than what you see at the beach.For this fold, you fold the top part of the cloth square about a fourth of the way down and set the baby on the folded part - this will be the waist.Gather up the lower part of the diaper and twist it around before bringing it up between the baby's legs, then secure.The Jelly Roll. This technique is aptly named.You'll start out like you would with the Bikini fold, except at the bottom of the diaper you will roll each corner into a long tube, slanted so the rolls form a V.The bowl formed with the rolled edges will catch the wet and solids.Wrap and secure with snaps or pins and you're good to go.Angel Wings. This is perhaps the most basic of the fold techniques.Basically here you will set the baby on the cloth, lining the top edge at the waist and folding over the bottom half in a tri-fold.When you bring the folded diaper up between the baby's legs you untuck the edges (which will resemble wings) to secure the diaper around the baby.With these methods for using pre-fold cloth diapers, you can slip a cover on top for added protection, but don't forget to secure the pre-fold within using pins or a snap on alternative.Your baby will stay fresh and free from irritation, and you will save money with these reusable wonders.

Folding a Pre-Fold Cloth Diaper: There

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