Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Diaper Rash - The Best Cure is Prevention

Diaper Rash - The Best Cure is Prevention

A bad case of diaper rash is one of the hardest problems to solve when caring for babies.It can make life miserable for both baby and parents.The best solutions for diaper rash is to prevent it from happening in the first place.Diaper rash is a real problem for most babies.When a baby gets a rash, they can be anywhere from uncomfortable to suffering in constant pain.Very bad cases can even cause bleeding - not something you want for your baby.Diaper rash, also known as nappy rash, diaper dermatitis, napkin dermatitis.It is caused when a baby's skin is exposed to either prolonged wetness, or increased skin pH.Baby's Skin.A newborn baby's skin is very delicate.Even a short exposure to a wet or messy diaper can cause diaper rash.Because of this, it is recommended that you change a newborn's diaper every hour while awake.As babies grow, their skin also matures, but their skin is still much thinner than adult skin.Even when you baby is older, you should change their diapers every three to four hours when awake.Diet.Other common causes of diaper rash come from baby's diet.It is well know that breast-fed babies have less diaper rash than formula fed babies.Diaper rash is also very common when you switch a babies diet (i.E.From formula or milk to solids).Because diet can play such a major role in painful diaper rash, when you change a baby's diet do it slowly, and if there is a food that is causing a problem, try another food in it's place.Skin Irritants.Other causes of diaper rash can come from the diaper itself.Disposable diapers are manufactured with various chemicals, dyes, and perfumes.Some babies are very sensitive to these chemicals.If your baby has a rash problem that can't be explained in any other way, try a switch to another diaper brand or to cloth diapers.Cloth diapers may also have skin irritants.Some detergents used in washing cloth diapers may cause a reaction in your baby.If you suspect this is a problem switch detergents right away, but still make sure you use a detergent that is recommended by the cloth diaper maker.

Diaper Rash - The Best Cure is Prevention

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